Crying Cloud

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HCI Box on a Budget. Leverage Azure Spot & Hyrbrid Use Benefits. Up to 93% savings.

Do you want to take HCI Box for a test drive but dont have $2,681 in the budget? Me either. How about the same box for $178?

This is the price for 730 hours

Following general instructions from jumpstart Azure Arc Jumpstart

once you have the git repo, edit the host.bicep file


add to the properties for the host virtualMachine the resource vm 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines@2022-03-01'

See this content in the original post

You can review difference regions for either cheaper price per hour or lower eviction rate

0.24393 per hour * 730 hours = $178

If you are elegable for Hybrid Use Benefits through you EA or have licenses you can also enable HUB in the Bicep template under virtual machine properties

See this content in the original post

Code changes

See this content in the original post

Good luck, enjoy HCI’ing