Using an Azure DNS Zone for name resolution in your Azure Stack region.

I was asked by a client recently on whether it was possible to use Azure DNS zones with Azure Stack for name resolution, as they could not find any information on how to do it. The answer to that is yes, and is actually my preferred method, whether the Azure Stack region is publicly available, or internally within an enterprise.

Here’s how to do it:

From your Azure Subscription, create an new DNS Zone:

Enter details such as Resource Group, location and most importantly, the name of the Zone. For this, I’m using a domain I own called

DO NOT create a zone for your Azure Stack deployments that includes the region name, e.g., as it will complicate matters, such as adding additional regions for your domain, or adding DNS names to your Public IP addresses. I’ll get to how you can have multiple regions within your zone later.

Once the zone has been created, make a note of the Name Servers hosting the records for your zone as you will need the to modify the Name Servers with your Domain registrant.

Typically, they will have a name of:

  • ns1-<xx>

  • ns1-<xx>

  • ns1-<xx>

  • ns1-<xx>

I used to register my domain, so this is the screen I used to modify the NS records. Other registrants have similar capabilities:

To test that the records have updated, I run NSLookup to perform a check to make sure they have replicated:

As you can see above, the name servers match those I have set for the DNS Zone in Azure.

The next task is to create some A records in the Azure DNS Zone to match the names of the external DNS name servers of your Azure Stack region. You should get the details for this from your OEM when they have performed the deployment, or you can work it out for yourself as the addresses are taken from the Public VIP network range.

For example, if the Public VIP range is, the addresses would be and This applies for the current Azure Stack release (1908 at time of writing)

Create the records as follows in the Azure portal:

Within your zone, select +Record Set

  1. enter the hostname. you also include the region name of your Azure Stack instance here, so the form is <hostname>.<regionname>

  2. Ensure the record type is set to A

  3. Enter the IP address of the first external DNS server for your Azure Stack instance

  4. Enter the IP address of the second external DNS server for your Azure Stack instance (You don’t have to do this, but I do it for a belt and braces approach)

Click on Apply to save the record. Repeat the above steps to create another A record for the second external DNS Name server, changing the hostname accordingly.

Once you’ve created your A records, you can now create the NS records for your region. The steps to do this are similar to creating an A record:

Within your zone, select +Record Set

  1. enter the name of you region. In this example it’s azs

  2. Ensure the record type is set to NS

  3. Enter the FQDN of the first external DNS server for your Azure Stack instance. It should match the name of the A record you created previously.

  4. Enter the FQDN of the second external DNS server for your Azure Stack instance

Click on Apply to save the record.

We also need to add a Name Server record for <region>.cloudapp, otherwise, when you assign a DNS name to a public IP address, your client won’t be able to resolve the name. The process is the same as above:

Within your zone, select +Record Set

  1. enter the name of you region.cloudapp. In this example it’s azs.cloudapp

  2. Ensure the record type is set to NS

  3. Enter the FQDN of the first external DNS server for your Azure Stack instance. It should match the name of the A record you created previously.

  4. Enter the FQDN of the second external DNS server for your Azure Stack instance

Click on Apply to save the record.

Once you’ve created your records, you should have something that look similar to this:

To test that your DNS changes have replicated, use NSLookup again. As you can see, the name servers for and resolve to the name servers I’ve set in the Azure DNS zone.

To be clear, your external name servers do not have to be exposed to the internet and as you can see in this example, I’m using addresses within the IANA private network ranges. As long as your corporate DNS servers have forwarders to public DNS zones, it should work. When your internal clients try to access your Azure Stack public endpoints, as long as they can route to your Azure Stack external DNS servers and UDP 53 is allowed via your firewalls, all should be good.

If you want to add additional regions using the same domain, simply follow the process above again :)

I hope that clarifies how you can use this kind of setup within your environment