Installing MAAS CLI on WSL 2

This is a short post on how to install MAAS CLI on WSL2 so you can administer your MAAS environments for your Windows system.

If anyone reading this is confused as to what MAAS (Metal-as-a-Service) is, it’s an open source cloud platform from Canonical allowing you to manage bare-metal infrastructure, such as networking and server deployments within your DC.

There are a number of blog post going into deeper depth from my colleague Matthew Quickenden here:


Here's all the command you need to run:

# Setup repo
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:maas/${MAAS_VERSION}

# Install OpenSSL Python module
sudo apt install python3-pip
pip install pyOpenSSL

# Install MAAS CLI
sudo apt install maas-cli

Installing MAAS CLI

Following the official documentation for installing the CLI, it tells you to initially run this command:

sudo apt install maas-cli

When you attempt via WSL2 for the first time, you're likely to see the following error:

E: Unable to locate package maas-cli

E: Unable to locate package maas-cli

To get around this you need to run the following:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:maas/${MAAS_VERSION}

Running sudo apt install maas-cli will give you something similar to this:

Dependent on your setup, you may need to run the following to install the OpenSSL Python module

# Install pip if not available
sudo apt install python3-pip

# Install OpenSSl module
 pip install pyOpenSSL

If the module isn't present, you'll get an error like this:

When the pre-reqs are in place running the maas command should return something similar: