In my last two posts, we covered creating custom Windows and RHEL images for MaaS. Now we'll deal with uploading them for use. The process is relatively simple:
1. Upload your image to the MaaS server
2. Import the image to MaaS
The first step is easy enough, just use SCP (or a program like WinSCP in Windows) to upload the file:
To Import the image in MaaS, use the following command:
maas $profile boot-resources create name=custom/$imagedisplayname architecture=amd64/generic content=@$tgzfilepath
In the code, I've used variables to make explanation simpler. In real life, I'd just input the actual values. Following is an explanation of each value:
$profile - When using the maas command, you must first log in. This variable represents your maas profile name.
$imagedisplayname - You can put any value here. Preceding it by custom/ means that the image will show up under custom images in MaaS with the name specified following the /
$tgzfilepath - This is the full path to the image file on the MaaS server. If you are admin2 and you kept an image namede my-image.tgz in a directory called images under your home directory, this value would be /home/admin2/images/my-image.tgz