
Azure Bastion undocumented requirement gotcha

Just a quick post to highlight an undocumented requirement for Azure Bastion that I came across when deploying a Landing Zone.

I’m creating a new landing zone for a client and we’re using Azure Bastion for secure access to IaaS VM’s. I decided to create the resource in a separate resource group than the Virtual Network as it was uncertain whether this was going to be required long term or not. There’s nothing in the current documentation that indicates that it isn’t possible, so I tried to deploy.

After a few minutes, it failed:

Here’s the less than helpful error:

No matter what I tried (Portal, Terraform, Azure CLI), the same occurred.

Upon speaking to Azure Support, this is a known issue and the mitigation is to deploy the Bastion host within the same Resource Group as the Virtual Network that it is trying to connect to.

I’ve experienced the same when deploying API Management in Azure, but at least the errors from ARM are meaningful and pointed me in the right direction.

Hopefully if you come across the same, and the problem isn’t resolved, this will help you out.

Capturing and using API queries from Azure in PowerShell with Fiddler

Capturing and using API queries from Azure in PowerShell with Fiddler

This is a walkthrough for using Fiddler to capture traffic to Azure from a browser and writing and running that query in PowerShell.  I wrote this because I don't like posts that skip over a key step and explain the entire thing with a wave of the hand.  Although this article stands on it own, it is a key step in another series.

Using Multiple Azure Identities Simultaneously


Many Azure end users and developers have to deal with the challenges of holding multiple Microsoft and/or Azure Active Directory identities.  At a minimum, you might be like me and have an MSDN account as well as a 1 or more corporate accounts.  There may also be situations where you have development or test tenants and those use separate logins as well.  Another use case is when doing testing and having different users with different roles (i.e. Admin users, basic user, user with no access, etc.) In these situations, it can be painful (or at least annoying) to switch contexts when using those identities on the web since web browsers can only log you into one identity at a time when using sites such as portal.azure.com.  Have you ever gone to the Azure portal only to realize you last logged in with a different account and then you need to logout and back in with different credentials?  This is a common situation for me, and although it only takes 10 seconds or so to login with different credentials, the frequency this happens makes it quite a hassle.

One solution is to use different browsers for different identities (i.e. one login in Firefox, one login in Chrome).  This may work for 2 or 3 different identities, but it's not ideal since every browser will behave differently and may have different conventions.

The solution I use, which I will detail below is to utilize named profiles within Chrome, which allows for logging into as many identities as needed all at the same time.  No more logout/login hassle!

Step-by-step Guide

Here are the steps to add additional profiles to Chrome:

  1. Within Chrome, click your named profile and select Manage people
  2. Click Add Person on the dialog
  3. Type a name for the profile, select an identifying icon if desired, check or uncheck creating a desktop shortcut and then save
  4. Repeat for as many profiles you wish to utilize.  For example, I have my default which uses corporate production login, a secondary corporate development login as well as my MSDN/Microsoft login
  5. Now when you click on your profile, you have the option of opening a new window for each profile and each window maintains it's own set of cookies, browser history, etc.
  6. Here is an example of all 3 of my profiles being logged into the Azure portal all at the same time

Hope you find this useful!

Azure Table Storage and PowerShell, The Hard Way

In my previous post I gave a quick overview of the Shared Key authentication scheme used by the Azure storage service and demonstrated how authenticate and access the BLOB storage API through PowerShell.  The file and queue services follow an authentication scheme that aligns with the BLOB requirements, however the table service is a bit different.  I felt it might help the more tortured souls out there (like myself) if I tried to describe the nuances.

Azure Storage REST API, Consistently Inconsistent

Like the REST of all things new Microsoft (read Azure), the mantra is consistency.  From a modern administrative perspective you should have a consistent experience across whatever environment and toolset you require.  If you are a traditional administrator/engineer of the Microsoft stack, the tooling takes the form of PowerShell cmdlets.  If you use Python, bash, etc. there is effectively equivalent tooling available.  My gripes outstanding, I think Microsoft has done a tremendous job in this regard.  I also make no claim that my preferences are necessarily the correct ones.  The ‘inconsistencies’  I will be discussing are not really issues for you if you use the mainline SDK(s).  As usual, I’ll be focusing on how things work behind the scenes and my observations.

Shared Key Authentication, but Not All Are Equal

In exploring the shared key authentication to the BLOB REST API, we generated and encoded the HTTP request signature.  The string we needed to encode looked something like this:

/*HTTP Verb*/
/*Content-Length (include value when zero)*/
x-ms-date:Sun, 11 Oct 2009 21:49:13 GMT x-ms-version:2009-09-19

The table service takes a much simpler and yet arcane format that is encoded in an identical fashion.

Mon, 15 May 2017 17:29:11 GMT
/billing73d55f68/fabriclogae0bced538344887a4021ae5c3b61cd0GlobalTime(PartitionKey='407edc6d872271f853085a7a18387784',RowKey='02519075544040622622_407edc6d872271f853085a7a18387784_ 0_2952_2640')

In this case there are far fewer headers and query parameters to deal with, however there are now fairly rigid requirements. A Date header must be specified as opposed to either Date or x-ms-date, or both in the BLOB case.  A Content-Type header must also be specified as part of the signature, and no additional header details are required.  The canonical resource component is very different from the BLOB service.  The canonical resource still takes a format of <storage account name>/<table name>/<query parameters>.  At the table service level only the comp query parameter is to be included.  As an example, to query the table service properties for the storage account the request would look something like https://myaccount.table.core.windows.net?restype=service&comp=properties. The canonical resource would be /myaccount/?comp=properties.

Generating the Signature with PowerShell

We will reuse our encoding function from the previous post and include a new method for generating the signature.

Function EncodeStorageRequest
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
        foreach ($item in $StringToSign)
            $KeyBytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($SigningKey)
            $HMAC = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256
            $HMAC.Key = $KeyBytes
            $UnsignedBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($item)
            $KeyHash = $HMAC.ComputeHash($UnsignedBytes)
            Write-Output $SignedString

$RequestSignature=GetTableTokenStringToSign @SignatureParams $TableToken=EncodeStorageRequest -StringToSign $RequestSignature -SigningKey $AccessKey
    'x-ms-version'= '2016-05-31';
    'Authorization'="SharedKey $($AccountName):$($TableToken)"
$Response=Invoke-WebRequest @RequestParams -Verbose $Tables=$Response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -ExpandProperty value

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> $Tables|fl
odata.type : acestack.Tables odata.id : https://acestack.table.core.windows.net/Tables('provisioninglog') odata.editLink : Tables('provisioninglog') TableName : provisioninglog

The astute reader will notice we had to pass some different headers along.  All table requests require either or both a DataServiceVersion or MaxDataServiceVersion.  These values align with maximum versions of the REST API, which I won't bother belaboring.  We also  retrieved JSON rather than XML, and have a number of content types available to take the format in which are dictated by the Accept header.   In the example we retrieved it with full OData metadata; other valid types include minimalmetadata and nometadata (atom/xml is returned from earlier data service versions).  In another peculiarity XML is the only format returned for retrieving Service properties or stats.

Putting It to Greater Use With Your Old Friend OData

You likely want to actually read some data out of tables.  Now that authorizing the request is out of the way it is a 'simple' manner of applying the appropriate OData query parameters.  We will start with retrieving a list of all entities within a table.  This will return a maximum of 1000 results (unless limited using the $top parameter) and a link to any subsequent pages of data will be returned in the response headers.  In the following example we will query all entities in the fabriclogaeGlobalTime table in the fabrixstuffz storage account.  In the interest of brevity I will limit this to 3 results.

$RequestSignature=GetTableTokenStringToSign @SignatureParams $TableToken=EncodeStorageRequest -StringToSign $RequestSignature -SigningKey $AccessKey
    'x-ms-version'= '2016-05-31'
    'Authorization'="SharedKey $($AccountName):$($TableToken)"
$TableEntity=New-Object PSobject @{
    "Address"="Mountain View";
    "Name"="Buckaroo Banzai";
    "FavoriteItem"="oscillation overthruster";
$Response=Invoke-WebRequest @RequestParams

This should yield a result looking like this.

Cache-Control: no-cache
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: application/json;odata=nometadata;streaming=true;charset=utf-8
Server: Windows-Azure-Table/1.0 Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
x-ms-request-id: 56afccf3-0002-0104-0285-d382b4000000
x-ms-version: 2016-05-31
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
x-ms-continuation-NextPartitionKey: 1!44!NDA3ZWRjNmQ4NzIyNzFmODUzMDg1YTdhMTgzODc3ODQ-
x-ms-continuation-NextRowKey: 1!88!MDI1MTkwNjc4NDkwNDA1NzI1NjlfNDA3ZWRjNmQ4NzIyNzFmODUzMDg1YTdhMTgzODc3ODRfMF8yOTUyXzI2NDA- Date: Tue, 23 May 2017 05:27:28 GMT
    "value":  [
                      "PartitionKey":  "407edc6d872271f853085a7a18387784",
                      "RowKey":  "02519067840040580939_407edc6d872271f853085a7a18387784_0_2952_2640",
                      "Timestamp":  "2017-05-23T05:25:55.6307353Z",
                      "EventType":  "Time",
                      "TaskName":  "FabricNode",
                      "dca_version":  -2147483648,
                      "epoch":  "1",
                      "localTime":  "2017-05-23T05:21:07.4129436Z",
                      "lowerBound":  "2017-05-23T05:19:56.173659Z",
                      "upperBound":  "2017-05-23T05:19:56.173659Z"
                      "PartitionKey":  "407edc6d872271f853085a7a18387784",
                      "RowKey":  "02519067843040711216_407edc6d872271f853085a7a18387784_0_2952_2640",
                      "Timestamp":  "2017-05-23T05:20:53.9265804Z",
                      "EventType":  "Time",
                      "TaskName":  "FabricNode",
                      "dca_version":  -2147483648,
                      "epoch":  "1",
                      "localTime":  "2017-05-23T05:16:07.3678218Z",
                      "lowerBound":  "2017-05-23T05:14:56.1606307Z",
                      "upperBound":  "2017-05-23T05:14:56.1606307Z"
                      "PartitionKey":  "407edc6d872271f853085a7a18387784",
                      "RowKey":  "02519067846040653329_407edc6d872271f853085a7a18387784_0_2952_2640",
                      "Timestamp":  "2017-05-23T05:15:52.7217857Z",
                      "EventType":  "Time",
                      "TaskName":  "FabricNode",
                      "dca_version":  -2147483648,
                      "epoch":  "1",
                      "localTime":  "2017-05-23T05:11:07.3406081Z",
                      "lowerBound":  "2017-05-23T05:09:56.1664211Z",
                      "upperBound":  "2017-05-23T05:09:56.1664211Z"

You should recognize a relatively standard OData response, with our desired values present within an array as the value property. There are two response headers to note here; x-ms-continuation-NextPartitionKey and x-ms-continuation-NextRowKey. These headers are the continuation token for retrieving the next available value(s). The service will return results in pages with a maximum length of 1000 results, unless limited using the $top query parameter like the previous example. If one were so inclined, they could continue to send GET requests, including the continuation token(s) until all results are enumerated.

Creating (or updating) table entities is a slightly different exercise, which can become slightly convoluted (at least in PowerShell or other scripts).  Conceptually, all that is required to create an entity is a POST  request to the table resource URI with a body containing the entity and the appropriate required headers.  The complexity is primarily a result of the metadata overhead associated with the server OData implementation. We'll examine this by inserting an entity into a fictional customers table.

You should end up receiving the inserted object as a response:

PS C:\Windows\system32> $Response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
PartitionKey : mypartitionkey
RowKey : row772
Timestamp : 2017-05-23T06:17:53.7244968Z
CustomerCode : c9da6455-213d-42c9-9a79-3e9149a57833
FavoriteItem : oscillation overthruster
AmountDue : 200.23
IsActive : True
CustomerSince : 2008-07-10T00:00:00
Name : Buckaroo Banzai
NumberOfOrders : 255
Age : 33
Address : Mountain View 

You should notice that the object we submitted had some extra properties not present on the inserted entity. The API requires that for any entity property where the (.Net) data type can not be automatically inferred, a type annotation must be specified. In this case CustomerCode=c9da6455-213d-42c9-9a79-3e9149a57833 is a GUID (as opposed to a string) requires a property CustomerCode@odata.type=Edm.Guid.  If you would like a more complete explanation the format is detailed here.

Three ways to do the same thing

You've got to give it to Microsoft, they certainly keep things interesting.  In the above example, I showed one of three ways that you can insert an entity into a table.  The service supports Insert, Insert or Merge (Upsert), and Insert or Replace operations (there are also individual Replace and Merge operations).  In the following example I will show the Upsert operation using the same table and entity as before.

$RequestSignature=GetTableTokenStringToSign @SignatureParams
$TableToken=EncodeStorageRequest -StringToSign $RequestSignature -SigningKey $AccessKey $TableEntity | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'NickName' -Value 'MrMan'
    'x-ms-version'= '2016-05-31'
    'Authorization'="SharedKey $($AccountName):$($TableToken)"
$RequestParams = @{
    Method= 'MERGE';
    Uri= $Uri;
    Body= $($TableEntity|ConvertTo-Json);
    Headers= $TableHeaders;
    ContentType= 'application/json;odata=fullmetadata'
$Response=Invoke-WebRequest @RequestParams 

This should yield a response with the meaningful details of the operation in the headers.

PS C:\Windows\system32> $Response.Headers
Key                    Value
---                    -----  
x-ms-request-id        48489e3d-0002-005c-6515-d545b8000000
x-ms-version           2016-05-31 
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
Content-Length         0
Cache-Control          no-cache
Date                   Thu, 25 May 2017 05:08:58 GMT
ETag                   W/"datetime'2017-05-25T05%3A08%3A59.5530222Z'"
Server                 Windows-Azure-Table/1.0 Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0

Now What?

I'm sure I've bored most of you enough already so I won't belabor any more of the operations, but I hope that I've given you a little more insight into the workings of another key element of the Azure Storage Service(s). As always, if you don't have a proclivity for doing things the hard way, feel free to check out a module supporting most of the Table (and BLOB) service functionality on the Powershell Gallery or GitHub.