
Fixing Azure Firewall Monitor Workbook

TLDR; Here’s a version of The Azure Firewall Workbook that I fixed: :)

For a client project, I had to deploy an Azure Firewall and I want to ease the monitoring burden, so I deployed the Azure Monitor workbook as per the article here.

The article has a link to a Workbook that can be deployed to your Azure subscription, and is a great resource giving you plenty of insight into what activity has been taking place on the firewall, via a Log Analytics Workspace configured as part of the diagnostics settings for the resource.

However, I did notice that some of the queries didn’t work as expected and produced some interesting results for the Application rule log statistics.

Below is an example:

If you check out the Action column, you can see that it has quite a lot of information, where I would expect to see ‘Allow’ or ‘Deny’.

I also noticed that some of the other panes did not return any results (such as above), when I expected to see data, so I dug a little deeper, having not really had experience of editing Workbooks.

First of all, I had to check the underlying query, so had to go into ‘edit’ mode.

Once in edit mode, I selected one of the panels that was affected by the faulty query (anything concerning ‘Allow’ for Application Log. Click on the ‘Edit’ button.

We’re concerned with checking the logic and parsing the log, so that the Action is correctly represented, plus the Policy and Rule Collection are populated.

To help triage. I opened the query in the Logs view.

I’ve highlighted where the issues were. First, the logic was incorrect, so the query above was matched, and that did not parse the msg_s field correctly. Second, the parse missed out the ‘space’ for Policy and Rule Collection Group, so would capture incorrectly.

Here’s how the query should look:

Add and msg_s !has “Rule Collection Group as indicated; remove the highlighted and msgs_s !has “Rule Collection , and add spaces as indicated to the parse statement correctly attributes the values to the parameter.

You can see in the query results that the Allow entries no longer have the additional Policy:… text added.

Now that we’ve identify the issue, we need to update the Workbook.

Go back to the workbook end edit the query, putting the identified fixes in place.

Remember to click ‘Done Editing’ when you’re finished.

Here’s a snippet of the query:

| where msg_s !has "Web Category:" and  msg_s !has ". Url" and msg_s !has  "TLS extension was missing" and msg_s !has "No rule matched" and msg_s !has "Rule Collection Group"
| parse msg_s with Protocol " request from " SourceIP ":" SourcePort " to " FQDN ":" DestinationPort ". Action: " Action ". Rule Collection: " RuleCollection ". Rule: " Rule
| where msg_s !has "Web Category:" and  msg_s !has ". Url" and msg_s !has " Reason: "
| where msg_s has "Rule Collection Group"
| parse msg_s with Protocol " request from " SourceIP ":" SourcePort " to " FQDN ":" DestinationPort ". Action: " Action ". Policy: " Policy ". Rule Collection Group: " RuleCollectionGroup ". Rule Collection: " RuleCollection ". Rule: " Rule

Great, we’ve fixed one panel, unfortunately there are more. I’ve shown the process I used to fix the queries, so you can go on and find the the other panels with the same issues and fix yourself, or just go ahead and import a fixed version of the workbook that I uploaded :)